
The importance of family photos

The thing I treasure the most in my home are my old family photos. I only have a small selection, the rest, like many families, are spread across several generations and different households. My New Year's resolution is to place all of my family's photos in a shared place online, giving every one access to these bygone times.

As I've been carefully scanning each of my photos, I've been thinking a lot about why family photography is so important to me. Here are my top three reasons: 

Relation - When I look at an old family photograph, I find I am looking for similarities in the moment photographed compared with today. For example, when I look at my mother, I find myself examining her face and seeing me in her. I see not only the way she looks is similar, but also her expressions. Family photographs tell us who we and where we come from without words being spoken. Words that may be absent as years go by and generations lost. 

Love - Family photos that show a close embrace or a look of total endearment can hold the most substantial meaning for years to come. It is possible to feel the love of a parent to a child through a photograph. I cherish these photos the most as distance and time keeps my family apart.

Memories - Having milestones photographed such a baby's first steps, birthdays, or a trip to the beach keep the memories alive and strong. When our lives become busy, it is easy to forget those simple and sweet moments of life. Often I find when I look at one photograph, a flood of memories come back from not just that one moment, but the time around that day, month or even year. 

I wish I had more photos of my parents looking and holding my brother and I. It is those looks and embraces I miss the most and wish I could hold on to forever. This is also why I choose to photograph families over any other subject matter. I want to give my clients memories, love and relationships to treasure forever. 

I am looking forward to my second year of creating family heirlooms. Happy, slightly belated, New Year! 

Elizabeth LeMoine